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Total items: 28

  Product Name / Item Description Rating Price  
Cinnamon Leaf Pure Essential Oil - Cinnamon Leaf Pure Essential Oil - 0.5 oz, (Nature's Alchemy) These 100% natural essential oils are meticulously extracted from plants by cold pressing or steam distillation using the same techniques developed by the medieval Persian physician Avicenna... $4.89
Cinnamon Pure Essential Oil - Cinnamon Pure Essential Oil - 0.5 oz, (Nature's Alchemy) These 100% natural essential oils are meticulously extracted from plants by cold pressing or steam distillation using the same techniques developed by the medieval Persian physician Avicenna... $4.98
Cinnamon Fragrance Oil - Cinnamon Fragrance Oil - 1/3 oz, (Frontier) Add some drops of Cinnamon Fragrance Oil to your favorite shampoo and conditioner for that wonderful spicy scent as you wash your hair or add it to your body wash or body lotion for that refreshing feeling all over your body... $6.30
Aromatherapy Mists Cinnamon Ylang Ylang - Aromatherapy Mists Cinnamon Ylang Ylang - 4 oz, (Aura Cacia) Evoke a romantic mood with this sensual combination of cinnamon and ylang ylang... $5.62
Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil - 8 oz, (Frontier) $48.54
Cinnamon Fragrance Oil - Cinnamon Fragrance Oil - 32 oz, (Frontier) $61.85
Cinnamon Fragrance Oil - Cinnamon Fragrance Oil - 8 oz, (Frontier) $26.60
Cinnamon Chips 1/4''-1'' 2% Oil - Cinnamon Chips 1/4''-1'' 2% Oil - 1 lb, (Frontier) $6.00