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   Search results for "Banyan"
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Ashwagandha - Promotes Vitality & Strength, 90 tabs
Ashwagandha is one of the most highly regarded and commonly used adaptogens in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia...

Men's Support - Promotes Vitality, Strength & Proper Function, 90 tabs
Men's Support is a rejuvenating formula for the male reproductive system...

Shatavari - For Healthy Female Reproductive System, 90 tabs
Shatavari is a rejuvenating herb that cools the body and strengthens and nourishes the tissues...

Women's Support - Promotes Vitality & Strength, 90 tabs
Women's Support is a balancing and revitalizing tonic for the female reproductive system...

Triphala - Balancing Formula for Detoxification & Rejuvenation, 90 tabs
Triphala is recommended and used more than any other Ayurvedic herbal formulation...

Mental Clarity - Promotes Memory & Intelligence, 90 tabs
The herbs in Mental Clarity have traditionally been used to enhance all aspects of mental performance, including intelligence, concentration, awareness, perception and learning capacity...

Stress Ease - Balancing Formula for Coping with Stress and Fatigue, 90 tabs
Nearly all health professionals agree that the stress of modern living is a leading cause of disease...

Tranquil Mind - Promotes Relaxation & Sleep, 90 tabs
Day-to-day stress from a hectic lifestyle may provoke vata in the mind and lead to conditions such as anxiety and insomnia...

Vata Digest - Digestion formula for vata, 90 tabs
Indigestion and flatulence are two common symptoms of vata aggravation...

Pitta Digest - Digestion formula for pitta, 90 tabs
Pitta Digest is a dynamic combination of herbs designed to strengthen digestion without aggravating pitta...

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