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   Search results for "Himalaya"
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Arjuna - 60 caps
Arjuna has been the herb of choice in Ayurveda for cardiovascular health...

Ashwagandha - 60 caps
Ashwagandha improves the body's ability to maintain physical effort and helps the body adapt to various types of stress...

Bacopa - 60 caps
A classic brain and nervine tonic, Bacopa is included in the "Brahmi" category of ayurvedic herbs, which are those that benefit both the mind and spirit and improve the intellect and consciousness...

Bitter Melon - 60 caps
Bitter Melon , also known as Karela or Momordica Charantia is a herb that helps regulate blood sugar levels and keeps body functions operating normally...

Boswellia - 60 vcaps
Boswellia has been used extensively in Ayurveda for joint support and to provide an overall sense of well-being...

Chyavanprash - Provides Digestion and Metabolism Health, 60 vcaps
Although composed of more than 40 herbs, Chyavanprash is considered a single entity and is the best known herbal concentrate in Ayurveda...

Garcinia - 60 caps
Recent studies have shown that Garcinia contains a biologically active compound known to inhibit the synthesis of lipids and fatty acids...

Garlic - 60 caps
Containing a sulfoxide that is responsible for its distinctive odor and taste, Garlic has been shown to promote healthy serum cholesterol levels...

Guduchi - 60 caps
Guduchi is an important part of the ayurvedic category of Rasayanas, or rejuvenative tonics...

Guggul - Cholesterol Support, 60 caps
One of the oldest and most famous herbs in ayurvedic medicine, Guggul possesses strong purifying and rejuvenating powers...

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